Why Organic is So Important

Since 2015 Farm Fresh has been recreating nature in a pot.  It begins with constructing living soil for our plants and growing cannabis without pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or additives. 

Others grow their plants in the air, in water, or in coconut shavings with soil mixed into the coconut shavings.  Those type of grow environments require the plants to be forced fed.  When forced fed, that requires the plants be flushed with water right before harvest to remove the additives as much as possible.    

Farm Fresh Organics
Living Soil

Living Soil

At Farm Fresh we create living soil that provides a microbial life that is established with beneficial living fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and many other types of microorganisms.  That creates a symbiotic relationship between the plant and the soil. 

Today we hear more and more about gut health.  Soil is the gut for the plant.  Our soil health is important to us.  That soil provides immunity and nutrients for the plants. 



Our living soil is topped with clover that provides necessary nitrogen for the plants.  The clover also provides a covering to detour unwanted pests, and the cover helps maintain the moisture need by the microbes and earth worms.  Those earthworms work around the clock to aerate the soil and promote rhizo “good bacteria”.



In this symbiotic relationship of plant and soil, the plants release carbons and sugars through there root system into the soil.  The plants naturally feed their own needs by finding what they need and require within the soil in which they live. The living soil and plants are an ecosystem that provides happy healthy plants.  Happy healthy plants provide happy healthy cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and polyphenols that humans not only can benefit from but need.


No pesticides

We employ lady bugs to find and eat any unwanted pests which allows us to stay away from toxic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.

No Pesticides
Tested, Quality Assured Batches

Tested Quality Assured Batches

We believe in delivering our customers and patients with organic, clean cannabis with each batch tested for THCA and CBD levels, terpenes (which have their own cascading effects on wellness and mood) and to rule out any pathogens.

“ Simply Recreating Nature Within a Pot ”


Properly Cured!

Our curing process is uniquely handled. Plants are harvested at their peak of maturity.  Plant branches are removed from the main stem, then trimmed to keep key components of the plant still attached.  Those trimmed branches are then hung upside down in a dark, humidity-control environment for 2 weeks to allow the terpenes to flood the tricones at the bottom.  Then those branches are then placed into marked curing bins by batch number for another 8 weeks so the enough moisture has left and the terpenes have ripened.  The right moisture content allows the finished product to be stored over long periods of time provided the consumer keeps the moisture pack in the jar with the finished flower.  This uniquely handled curing process allows the ‘flower’ to flood to a high level of secondary metabolites or cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids.  These compounds are what gives the finished flower its taste and effects.

“Small Batch Crafted Cannabis Grown with You in Mind.”

Properly Cured